
A word from the director & producer, Philip Szporer


Photo Credit: Marlene Millar

The “Inquiry into Time and Perception” project has provided me with a perfect frame within which to conduct an in-depth exploration of temporality as seen through two distinct lenses. While one lens is focused on exploring temporality as cinematic time, a union of instances as captured by the camera, the other is centered on the body in motion, which under most circumstances treats time as duration. The pull and push between these opposing forces has resulted in studies rich in the dissident harmonies created by the inescapable visual friction.

Video installations have the potential to be total environments, a compositional whole that envelops the viewer in image and sound, with the aim to evoke and expand sense perception and cognition in a direct, simple manner, and bring dance to life in new ways. A goal of the Inquiry project, in its two studies to date, is to question the relationship between the screen as a plane of action, and how in an installation environment I can elucidate the viewer’s placement in relation to a projected image, acknowledging their motion in relation to the screen. 

Photo Credit: Marlene Millar



Study #1

Study #2